Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to inform you about changed guidelines in respect of receiving loaded vehicles at Unikai Terminal and all other Grimaldi Terminals effective for all deliveries from 08/12/2020.
As from March 15th, 2021 in the following vehicle categories no byload is allowed anymore except vehicles. See also our newsletter No. 124 dated from 5th March 2021.
Trucks/Roro (note changes):
In this vehicle category no byload is allowed although the vehicle has a cargo compartment whether enclosed (e.g. box truck, curtain side trailer) or open (e.g. flatbed trailer, tipper).
The only items allowed are items inherent to the vehicle (1-2 spare wheel(s) / small set of tools / warning vest / signs) and/or for its designed exploitation purpose (e.g. firetrucks water hoses – bucket/arms for road building equipment – forks for cargo handling equipment, etc.).
The ONLY permissible and allowed cargo to be stacked inside or on top are fully assembled vehicles together with limited accessories inherent to these vehicles as already detailed above in points 1/2/3.
It is allowed that the stacked vehicles have their wheels dismantled/removed and other parts (e.g. aero diffuser/spoiler) which must be stacked/lashed and secured in a seaworthy manner on top of the vehicle.
IMPORTANT that the stacked vehicles contain no byload and they will have to have their battery disconnected (as per Grimaldi procedure) and fuel tank empty. There is no change to existing modalities for passenger vehicles such as buses, coaches where no byload is allowed.
As from December 8th, 2020 in the following vehicle categories no byload is allowed anymore. See also our newsletter No. 122 dated from 21th November 2020.
• Cars • Small Vans • Big Vans • Passenger buses, any other buses, Heavy vehicles designed for passenger transportation • Cars, small vans and big vans as top cargo on trucks/RoRo must be always empty, too.
Only items allowed are items inherent to the vehicle
• 1 x spare tyre • 1 lifting-jack • 1 small set of tools • Warning vests • Warning signs
In case of any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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© 2010 - 2018: CON-TRUCK SHIPPING GMBH, Reiherstiegdeich 57, 21107 Hamburg, FON: 040 / 75 66 38 - 0, FAX: 040 / 75 66 38- 40, E-MAIL: info@contruck.de |